Mass grave containing ‘more than 100 horses’ found dating back 2,400 years

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
December 2, 2023

The skeletons of dozens of horses have been discovered in a chilling mass grave in China believed to be around 2,400 years old.

Excited experts believe that the horses and chariots were buried together close to the tomb of a nobleman – but do not yet know who he is.

So far 90 horses and four chariots have been dug up in the central Henan Province, and the overall number could top 100 when the excavation ends.

It is thought Zheng State horses were killed first before being put into the pits next to their owner’s tomb.

The mysterious find has fascinated historians, with bronze artifacts also discovered below the ground providing intriguing clues.

The mass grave was discovered in central China 



So far around 90 horses have been found buried in the pit 



The pits are believed to date back 2,400 years 

