The spectacular Tizer Dolmen. One of a series of amazing megaliths in Montana USA, Are they man-made structures or remarkable quirks of nature??
Montana Megaliths Megathread: What I learned after visiting the sites, talking with a Geologist, and hearing rebuttals I first heard about the site watching the videos of @WWolfProd. The Sage Wall was obviously interesting, but it was the Tizer Dolmen that caught my interest. How!? Many said glaciers but this thing sits in an area of Montana that was not covered by Glaciers in the last ice age.
 Even more interesting was when @WWolfProd pointed out the 3 aligned nubs near the Tizer Dolmen. Why would three rock protrusions cause so much excitement? If you haven’t gone down the megalithic nub rabbit hole, it’s time for an elementary level introduction
Megalithic Nubs can be found all over the world. In these 4 photos are examples from Egypt, Peru, Europe, and India. What is their purpose? No one really knows. Did this have something to do with Geopolymer? A way to leverage? A coded language? (See @TwistDead1)
How in the world were they even created? And why can you find this same phenomenon all around the world? There’s long been a debate as to whether or not the ancients knew about each other. Many believe the nubs are the smoking gun that ties together Ancient Civilizations.
So surely someone is studying this, right? Yup! But not your traditional least not in any significant manner. The study is taking place right here on Twitter. The Nub professors – +
Eventually I made my way to the Giants Playground and found this which is named the Tower Dolmen. It appeared to be pointing north. When I showed a Geologist this, he became very excited about how it could help them understand the history of Earthquakes in the region.
 The Sage Wall is truly remarkable. When I first walked upon it I kept thinking about Sacsayhuaman in Peru. Although not exactly alike, you can understand why guys like @BrightInsight6 and @joerogan started asking questions about this. Look at some of fits in these photos!
I decided I couldn’t make a proper video without talking to a Geologist. I contacted Dr. Stuart Parker of the Montana Geologic Survey. Dr. Parker is an avid Rock Climber, but had never heard of any of these sites but immediately recognized the area as the Boulder Batholith.
When I asked Dr. Parker if there’s anyway that these could be Manmade, he said that anything is possible but that he could explain why they were natural with a very common erosion process called Exhumation. Here’s a digital explanation of the process that Dr. Parker made for me.
I then asked him about the 3 aligned nubs and introduced him to the world of Megalithic Nubs. When he first saw the photos of the megalithic nubs in Peru, he was astounded and called them remarkable. He was unsure how they could have been made like that and was fascinated.
As for the Montana nubs, he’s called these Xenolithic Enclaves, and explained that it’s not actually that uncommon for nature to randomly make a line of 3 things in a row.
He explained that the reason they protrude out like this is because they are a different composition than the granite it’s on and that it erodes slowly over time compared to the surface of the granite boulder. …it was this explanation that caused some controversy on Twitter..
@AHC_Channel pointed out that the nubs in Montana are not necessarily a different composition than the rest of the granite. If they were the same composition, wouldn’t they erode at the same pace? Take a close look for yourself in this video. One other strange oddity to note. Check out this photo that @WWolfProd took from his trips to Karnak, Egypt and The Sage Wall, Montana..the resemblance is very curious.
If someone put a gun to my head and made me guess “Natural or Man Made” I would probably say natural…but regardless, I always keep an open mind with these things. I guarantee for thousands of years, anyone who ever stumbled upon these asked the same questions.Theres absolutely nothing wrong with inquiry…and judging by the reaction to my video from Twitter, it appear this controversy is going to continue to live on. Thanks for watching and reading my thought on there subject over the last month.If you want to support my work, please consider buying my book “Enigmatic North America: Legends, Oddities, and Controversial History” Over 250 high quality photos (most of them I took myself) available on Amazon in ebook and paper back.
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