Ancient Civilization Named ‘Ant People’ Saved Native Americans From World Apocalypse Twice
The Hopi Indians are a Native American tribe that has been living in Arizona for thousands of years. The place is famous for the Grand Canyon, a beautiful desert area. According to the Hopi legends, the Gods directed them there and built stone apartment complexes. From the ancient Hopi, there are several stone complexes, the so-called pueblo. Near their houses, the Hopi grew corn, beans, and pumpkins on the dry, rocky ground. The Hopi language is similar to the Aztec language.
Among the researchers of anomalous phenomena, the Hopi are known primarily for their stone tablets, which supposedly contain predictions of the future. However, there are many interesting things in the Hopi culture besides these tablets. The most important interpretation of the word “Hopi” is “one who behaves appropriately, one who is mannered, civilized, peaceful, and polite, and who conforms to the Hopi Way.” This is in contrast to other warring tribes that live off of pillage, according to some reports.
According to Hopi folklore, the “Spider Woman” bestowed the Three Sisters with gifts and instructed them in farming techniques. In addition to that, she instructed them in weaving and pottery making. According to the Hopi, we have only recently entered over into the Fifth World. It was she who was responsible for bringing those who were bad into the Third World into the Fourth World. In exchange for being allowed to reside there, the Hopi decided to take on the role of caretaker. The Hopi Way emphasizes harmony in all aspects of life by preserving a balance between humans and the natural world. Their ritualized celebrations of this equilibrium serve to ensure that their way of life will continue into the future.
According to Hopi mythology, the Earth was created by “Spider Woman,” who ruled the Underworld, and her consort, Tawa, who was the Sun God and ruled the sky. Together, they utilized their thoughts to bring the world into being. Then “Spider Woman” brought the clay creatures and humans to life by giving them the form of humans and animals, covering them with a blanket that she had woven herself, and singing to them with Tawa.

One of the most intriguing Hopi legends is about the Ant People, who saved the Hopi people twice during a fire, volcanic eruption, asteroid strike, ice age, or a strong coronal ejection from the Sun. During these two devastating events, the Ant People civilization hid the Hopi people in their underground caves and provided them with food and water. These legends portray the Ant People as generous and hardworking, who also taught the Hopi the secrets of storing food for a long time without spoiling.
On ancient petroglyphs all over the world, and in particular on this one from North Africa, one can often find images of unusual creatures with antennae or horns on their heads. Many people believe that the creatures in the image are shamans, but could they be images of insect-like people?
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The Ant People and ordinary ants (insects) have some kind of connection with the constellation Orion. This constellation is most clearly visible in winter when ants are hibernating. And in February, when it is the brightest in the sky, the Hopi perform a sacred dance ceremony called Powamû in the ceremonial dwelling of the kiva.
The ceremony is dedicated to a god named Anu Sinom, who long ago taught the Hopi how to grow beans and saved them from hunger. At the same time, there is an interesting coincidence with the fact that there is a Babylonian god with the same name Anu, and that the “ant” in the Hopi language is also “Anu.” And the phrase “Anunnaki”, which is translated from the Hopi language as “ants friend”, is surprisingly similar to the Sumerian word “Annunaki”, which means creatures that came to Earth from heaven.
Ant People were probably known in ancient Egypt as well. In any case, some researchers of anomalous phenomena believe that the unusually narrow and elongated head of Pharaoh Akhenaten, whose shape is strange even for Ancient Egypt, is similar to the head of an ant. And his skinny arms and large thighs still puzzle many scientists. Some people think that Akhenaten was a hermaphrodite, while others believe that he was an alien.

But maybe he was a representative of the Ant People? And one more fact, which may be a coincidence, or perhaps an ancient connection. The Egyptian word “Sahu” means “Orion Stars,” and in the Hopi language, the same word “Sahu” also means “Star”. And the most important star for the Hopi was the star of the constellation Orion.
For some researchers, the national female hairstyle of the Hopi Indians is also a connection with the Ant People, as it may resemble the antennae of ants.
The Hopi have traditionally held the belief that their homeland is holy ground, and they perceive themselves as the custodians of the land that they have inherited from their ancestors. They had no concept of lands having boundaries or being divided into sections. Northern Arizona’s mesa tops have been the location of many settlements because agriculture is such an important industry there. The Hopi people originally established their communities around the base of the mesas, but throughout the 17th century, they relocated to the summits of the mesas in order to be safer from the Utes, Apaches, and Spanish.
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