Impactante descubrimiento: Hallan un esqueleto humano gigantesco en la Antártida

17/09/2024 By

17 de septiembre de 2024 – En lo que se considera una de las revelaciones arqueológicas más extraordinarias del siglo, los científicos han descubierto un …

Descubrimiento Impactante: Civilización Extraterrestre Encontrada Bajo el Hielo de la Antártida

17/09/2024 By

En una revelación revolucionaria que promete cambiar nuestra comprensión de la vida más allá de la Tierra, los científicos han anunciado el descubrimiento de una …

Reescribiendo la Historia: La Impactante Verdad Sobre el Mito de los Esclavos Sufrientes en la Construcción de Pirámides

17/09/2024 By

Las pirámides de Egipto, esas colosales maravillas de la antigüedad, siempre han sido un tema fascinante y misterioso para la humanidad. Una de las preguntas más importantes

¡ÚLTIMA HORA: Vuelo 19 de la Marina de EE.UU. Encontrado en el Triángulo de las Bermudas, Anuncian los Investigadores!

17/09/2024 By

En un avance histórico, los investigadores han anunciado el descubrimiento del vuelo 19 de la Marina de los EE. UU., el escuadrón de cinco torpederos TBM Avenger.

Desenterrando Gigantes: ¡La Verdadera Verdad Detrás de los Mayores Misterios Históricos!

17/09/2024 By

La historia es un vasto y enigmático tapiz tejido con historias de triunfo, tragedia y secretos tentadores. Entre estos hilos se encuentran los misterios que continúan

¡Revelación Impactante: Los Extraterrestres que Viven en la Antártida Tras el Muro de Hielo en la Tierra Hueca de Agartha!

16/09/2024 By

In the ever-dynamic world of Hollywood feuds, a new chapter has been added by none other than James Woods, the actor known for his sharp wit and even sharper tongue. This time, his target is the multi…

¡Los Droides Avanzados de Tartaria: Un Misterio Tecnológico Que Desafía Todo Lo Que Sabemos!

16/09/2024 By

In an electrifying display of music, memory, and unity, Kid Rock’s tribute to the late country music icon Toby Keith not only honored a beloved artist’s

¡Descubrimiento Terrible de los Científicos en Marte Cambia Todo! (Vídeo) 🔥

16/09/2024 By

Los científicos han hecho un nuevo y aterrador descubrimiento en Marte que podría cambiar todo lo que sabemos sobre el Planeta Rojo. En un estudio reciente publicado en la revista

Perdido en las Montañas Blancas: La trágica historia de Emily Sotelo

16/09/2024 By

El montañismo es una actividad peligrosa, una peligrosa danza con la muerte que se ha cobrado incontables vidas a lo largo de la historia. Desde …

The entire tomb is filled with signs and symbols that mention Queen Nefertiti and after some time passed and linguistic experts managed to decipher the stories told here, the team was baffled.

14/09/2024 By

The entire tomb is filled with signs and symbols that mention Queen Nefertiti and after some time of research and expert linguists managing to decipher the stories told here, the team was baffled.

The mystery of the Solar Temple of Abu Gurab and its “Star Gate” comes to light

14/09/2024 By

For many years, the sun temples of Abu Ghraub have been considered ancient stargates. According to various anecdotes and stories, they are interdimensional portals that allow certain people to contact extraterrestrial beings and different divinities.

Thuya, the mother of Queen Tiye, left a monumental legacy by becoming the grandmother of Akhenaten and Tutankhamun.

14/09/2024 By

Thuya is believed to be a descendant of Queen Ahmose-Nefertari, and held many official roles in the intertwined religion and government of ancient Egypt. She was involved in many religious cults; her titles included 'Singer of Hathor' and 'Chief of Entertainers' to both Amun and Min. [4] She also held the influential positions of Superintendent of the Harem of the god Min to Akhmin and to Amun of Thebes. She married Yuya, a powerful ancient Egyptian courtier of the 18th Dynasty. She is believed to have died around 1375 BC, when she was in her early to mid-50s.

The oldest traditions lead us to believe that blacks were the first inhabitants of Mexico.

14/09/2024 By

The New York World, dated January 15, 1923, published a statement by Drs. Clark Wissler and Franz Boaz (the latter a professor of anthropology at Columbia University), confirming the assertion of the French that the Moroccan and Algerian troops used in the invasion of Germany were not to be classified as negroes, because they were not of that race. It is wonderful to understand how the French and these gentlemen arrive at such a conclusion, but I believe that it is the old method of depriving the negro of anything that would tend to make him recognizable in any useful occupation or pursuit.

The REAL face of King Tut: The pharaoh had feminine hips, clubfoot, and protruding teeth according to the ‘virtual autopsy,’ which also revealed that his parents were brother and sister.

13/09/2024 By

The REAL face of King Tut: Pharaoh had girlish hips, club feet and protruding teeth according to the 'virtual autopsy' that also revealed his parents were brother and sister

The “oldest gold of humanity” was found in the Varna necropolis, on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast

13/09/2024 By

Every year, we discover something about our history on the planet through excavations around the world. In one such excavation, archaeologists found what could be the oldest gold in the world, dating back to 4,500 BC. The gold bead found was about the size of an eighth of an inch and was found in Bulgaria. It could be the oldest processed gold ever discovered in Europe and probably in the world.

Chilling: Terrifying creature rams ship near Antarctica!

13/09/2024 By

The frigid waters of the Southern Ocean, a realm of mystery and isolation, have long been rumored to be home to legendary creatures. Now, a chilling accident has brought those tales to life, leaving the world reeling in disbelief and fear.

Shocking: Ancient Fish People: Exploring Their Origins and Possible Extraterrestrial Connections!

13/09/2024 By

Myths and folklore from various cultures around the world often depict humanoid figures with aquatic features. These depictions range from mermaid-like creatures in European tales to fish-headed gods in Egyptian hieroglyphics. The recurrence of such images in different societies raises questions about their origin and meaning.

Shocking: Images of Brutal Battles Between Gladiators and Giant Creatures from Centuries Ago!

12/09/2024 By

The discovery of animal images depicting fierce battles between gladiators and giant creatures has captivated historians and enthusiasts alike. These extraordinary illustrations, believed to date back centuries, offer a dramatic glimpse into a time when gladiatorial combat is said to have extended beyond human adversaries to include colossal and mythical beasts.

Malvada raza extraterrestre habita tierra hueca Agartha o Lemuria adentro del muro de hielo de la Antartida

12/09/2024 By

In a discovery that has left researchers and enthusiasts alike awe-struck, an extraordinary black pyramid has been unearthed in Antarctica. This striking find challenges conventional understanding of…

¡Increíble Revelación: El Libro Antiguo Decodificado Abre la Puerta a un Mundo Misterioso Más Allá de la Tierra!

12/09/2024 By

A lo largo de la historia, los cuentos de samuráis han fascinado a personas de todo el mundo. Estos hábiles guerreros, conocidos por su lealtad, disciplina y habilidad con la espada, ocupan un lugar especial en la cultura…