MEROE (Kush / Nubia) was an Ancient Kingdom in modern day Northern Sudan that existed as a state from the 2000’s B.C. to circa 350 A.D. when it was sacked by the Aksumite Kingdom in modern day Ethiopia…
Everybody had to migrate at some point, from somewhere, to get to where they currently are, you didn’t just spring up from the ground in Nigeria, that didn’t happen, use common sense…
MEROE (Kush / Nubia) was an Ancient Kingdom in modern day Northern Sudan that existed as a state from the 2000’s B.C. to circa 350 A.D. when it was sacked by the Aksumite Kingdom in modern day Ethiopia…
From 350 A.D. to about 500 A.D. it existed as a weaker disintegrated state…
Also, massive land use and explosive population growth as it received more and more refugees after the Egypto-Assyrian defeat by the Babylonians (Chaldeans) circa 600 BC caused rapid desertification of the land…
These refugees were primarily ancient Assyrians, Arameans, Phoenicians (Canaanites), Philistines, Israelites, Moabites, Ammonites, and Elamites…
These migrants first settled in various regions of upper Egypt (near the border with Meroe) causing the original Kemetic stock to begin migrating west (establishing Nok) and south to modern day South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda etc, establishing Nilotic peoples…
Subsequently the Medo-Persians and Greeks would station more Israelites, Phoenicians (Canaanites), Moabites, Ammonites, and Arameans in Upper Egypt as laborers and at military garrisons…
As the Greco-Roman era began to take place and culminating with the Fall of Jerusalem 70 AD; many of these groups migrated in mass to Meroe…
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