Face of Harakbut – the ancient guardian of the forgotten city of El Dorado?
02/04/2024 By Kane Khanh

A Brass Bell Claimed To Be 300 Million Year Old!
02/04/2024 By Kane Khanh

Sumerian And Biblical Texts Claim People Lived For 1000 Years Before Great Flood: Is It True?
02/04/2024 By Kane Khanh

Unveiling the Past: Investigating Claims of Nephilim Giants’ Descendants Among Us.
02/04/2024 By Kane Khanh

Reconstructing Ramses II: Unveiling the Pharaoh’s Face Using Mummified Remains.
02/04/2024 By Kane Khanh

Well-Preserved Mammoth Skeleton Unearthed at North America’s Prominent Archaeological Site.
02/04/2024 By Kane Khanh

The History of Aztec Empire Civilization: Its Rise and Fall
02/04/2024 By Kane Khanh

Extreme drought in Texas revealed 110-million-year-old dinosaur tracks
02/04/2024 By Kane Khanh

12,000 years ago, China Was Inhabited By Mysterious Egg-Headed People!
02/04/2024 By Kane Khanh

‘They’ descended from heaven and ruled for 36,000 years, Egyptian papyri reveal
01/04/2024 By Kane Khanh

Rаre jewelry dіscovered іn jаw of рrehistoric ѕkeleton uneаrthed іn mexіcan сemetery
01/04/2024 By Kane Khanh

Unearthing History: Qing Dynasty Female Corpse Discovered in Jingzhou Lujiaosha Tomb.
01/04/2024 By Kane Khanh

Excavated: 20 ‘giant’ 30 meter long skeletons discovered, sparking fears of their resurrection.
01/04/2024 By Kane Khanh

Unforeseen Revelation: Preserved Monk Unearthed in 17th-Century Crypt
01/04/2024 By Kane Khanh