Unsolved Mystery: Puzzling Mummies of Venezuela – Ancient Corpses That Defy Decay.
30/03/2024 By Kane Khanh

“The Ageless Beauty of a 4,000-Year-Old Mummy Discovered from Lourlan.”
30/03/2024 By Kane Khanh

The Tartars of Tartary: Descendants of Noah, Legendary Giants, and the Intrigues of the Illuminati
30/03/2024 By Kane Khanh

“Rising from the Waters: The Engineering Marvel of Relocating Abu Simbel Temple (1964-1968)
30/03/2024 By Kane Khanh

Strange discovery: European Mummies Found In The Taklamakan Desert, Xinjiang
30/03/2024 By Kane Khanh

Engineering Secrets of Barbegal Mills, The World’s First Industrial Complex, Uncovered
30/03/2024 By Kane Khanh

“Mastering the App: Uncovering the Mysteries of Early Technology and Fashion”
30/03/2024 By Kane Khanh

“Soyjack” Torture Mask 200 year old torture tool made of bronze from Germany.
29/03/2024 By Kane Khanh

A Roman Soldier, Sword Strapped, Killed Instantly by Vesuvius Eruption.
29/03/2024 By Kane Khanh

The Golden Uraeus (Cobra) from the King Tut Treasures
29/03/2024 By Kane Khanh

The mother goddess of Anatolia, Cybele, may have had an early Neolithic ancestor in Çatalhöyük.
29/03/2024 By Kane Khanh

Head of Apollo crowned with laurels unearthed
29/03/2024 By Kane Khanh